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RFO UPF ; 27(1): 134-152, 08 ago. 2023. ilus, tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1509390


Objetivo: avaliar a eficácia do acessório mamilo aplicado a aparelhos ortopédicos/ ortodônticos no tratamento de hábitos deletérios de sucção de chupeta, língua, lábio e dedo, e onicofagia em pacientes tratados nos últimos 20 anos com o aparelho. Métodos: Trata-se de um estudo clínico observacional, retrospectivo, no qual a amostra foi composta de prontuários de pacientes de ambos os gêneros, atendidos por profissionais habilitados pelo aparelho mamilo, que os utilizaram em crianças de 03 a 16 anos portadoras de hábitos deletérios. Os prontuários utilizados, correspondem a pacientes tratados entre os anos 2000 a 2020. Todas as análises foram realizadas no programa R, com nível de significância de 5%. Resultados: Foram analisados 142 prontuários, nos quais 122 foram incluídos, por estarem dentro dos critérios de inclusão propostos no estudo e 20 foram excluídos da pesquisa por apresentarem informações incompletas e/ou não preenchidas corretamente. O hábito com maior incidência foi o de sucção digital, em 71,3% dos pacientes, 91,8% dos pacientes deixaram o hábito, destacando que nos casos de sucção de chupeta e onicofagia, o sucesso na remoção do hábito foi de 100%, em ambos os casos. O tempo médio de uso do aparelho foi de 4,8 meses, variando de 0,6 a 14 meses. O tempo médio para a remoção do hábito após a instalação do aparelho foi de 1,6 meses, variando de 0 a 12 meses. Conclusão: O aparelho mamilo, mostra-se como uma alternativa de alta eficácia na remoção de hábitos deletérios de sução de chupeta, dedo, língua e onicofagia.(AU)

Objective: Evaluate the effectiveness of the nipple accessory applied to orthopedic/orthodontic appliances in the treatment of harmful pacifier, tongue, lip and finger sucking habits, and onychophagia in patients treated in the last 20 years with the device. Methods: This is an observational, retrospective clinical study, in which the sample consisted of medical records of patients of both genders, assisted by professionals qualified by the nipple device, who used them in children aged 03 to 16 years with deleterious habits. The medical records used correspond to patients treated between the years 2000 and 2020. All analyzes were performed in the R program, with a significance level of 5%. Results: 142 medical records were analyzed, in which 122 were included, as they were within the inclusion criteria proposed in the study and 20 were excluded from the research because they presented incomplete information and/or not filled in correctly. The habit with the highest incidence was digital sucking, in 71.3% of patients, 91.8% of patients quit the habit, noting that in cases of pacifier sucking and onychophagia, success in removing the habit was 100%, in both cases. The average time of use of the device was 4.8 months, ranging from 0.6 to 14 months. The mean time to remove the habit after installing the device was 1.6 months, ranging from 0 to 12 months. Conclusion: The nipple device is a highly efficient alternative for removing harmful habits of pacifier, finger, tongue and onychophagy sucking.(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Orthodontic Appliances , Tongue Habits/therapy , Pacifiers , Fingersucking/therapy , Nail Biting/therapy , Time Factors , Retrospective Studies , Age Factors , Treatment Outcome , Orthodontic Appliance Design , Nipples
Rev. Odontol. Araçatuba (Impr.) ; 44(1): 29-32, jan.-abr. 2023. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1427851


A adoção da chupeta e mamadeira pelos pais podem trazer problemas no desenvolvimento craniofacial da criança. A sucção digital é outro fator influenciador da má formação da face, este pode ser antecedido pela mamadeira e chupeta. O conhecimento sobre o desenvolvimento facial correto ajuda no reconhecimento de desvios da normalidade. Foi realizada uma revisão da literatura a fim de analisar e comparar os efeitos no crescimento facial entre os hábitos deletérios e a amamentação fisiológica. Muitos registros de malformações causadas por hábitos deletérios foram encontrados. Conclui-se que a amamentação natural ainda é a melhor forma de alimentação para crianças, e nenhuma outra opção será melhor que a fisiológica, sendo aconselhável evitar o uso dos demais(AU)

The adoption of pacifiers and bottles by parents can bring problems in the child's craniofacial development. Finger sucking is another factor influencing the malformation of the face, which can be preceded by the bottle and pacifier. Knowledge about correct facial development helps in recognizing deviations from normality. A literature review was carried out in order to analyze and compare the effects on facial growth between harmful habits and physiological breastfeeding. Many records of malformations caused by deleterious habits were found. It is concluded that natural breastfeeding is still the best form of feeding for children, and no other option will be better than the physiological one, being advisable to avoid the use of the others(AU)

Breast Feeding , Pacifiers , Nursing Bottles , Face/abnormalities , Parents , Fingersucking , Malocclusion
Rev. Cient. CRO-RJ (Online) ; 8(1): 35-45, Jan.-Apr 2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1512080


Objetivo: o objetivo desta pesquisa foi analisar a associação do tempo de aleitamento materno com a prática de hábitos deletérios e o desenvolvimento de maloclusões na primeira infância. Materiais e Métodos: foram aplicados 171 formulários às mães com 18 anos ou mais que acompanharam o processo de amamentação de seu(s) filho(s) de 4 a 10 anos de idade. O questionário foi composto por 22 perguntas, sendo 15 específicas e relacionadas ao aleitamento, hábitos deletérios da criança (uso de chupeta, sucção de dedo e sucção do próprio lábio) e maloclusões específicas (mordida cruzada posterior, mordida cruzada anterior e mordida aberta). Resultados: a prevalência da amamentação exclusiva por 6 meses ou mais foi de 52%, enquanto 29,8% das crianças foram amamentadas de 0 a 5 meses e 18,2% nunca foram amamentadas no seio exclusivamente. Quanto a alimentação complementar, grande parcela (37,4%) encontrada evidenciou início após os 6 meses; 57,9% das mães relataram algum tipo de dificuldade para amamentar e 34,5% das crianças fizeram uso de chupeta. Em relação aos hábitos deletérios, 10% desenvolveram sucção de dedo. O relato de desenvolvimento de maloclusões foi de 9,4% das crianças com mordida cruzada posterior; 7,6% mordida cruzada anterior e 18,7% mordida aberta anterior. Conclusão: sendo assim, é possível inferir que o tempo preconizado pela Organização Mundial da Saúde para aleitamento materno exclusivo foi fundamental para o não desenvolvimento de hábitos deletérios e maloclusões. Em contrapartida, quanto mais cedo a introdução de alimentos complementares, e a interrupção do aleitamento exclusivo nos seis primeiros meses, maior o risco do desenvolvimento de hábitos e consequentemente maloclusões.

Objective: the objective of this research was to analyze the association of breastfeeding duration with the practice of deleterious habits and the development of malocclusions in early childhood. Materials and Methods: a total of 171 forms were applied to mothers aged 18 years or older who followed the breastfeeding process of their child(ren) between 4 and 10 years of age. The questionnaire consisted of 22 questions, 15 of which were specific and related to breastfeeding, the child's deleterious habits (use of a pacifier, finger sucking and lip sucking) and specific malocclusions (posterior crossbite, anterior crossbite and open bite). Results: the prevalence of exclusive breastfeeding for 6 months or more was 52%, while 29.8% of children were breastfed from 0 to 5 months and 18.2% were never exclusively breastfed. As for complementary feeding, a large portion (37.4%) found to start after 6 months; 57.9% of the mothers reported some type of difficulty in breastfeeding and 34.5% of the children used a pacifier. Regarding deleterious habits, 10% developed finger sucking. The report of development of malocclusions was 9.4% of children with posterior crossbite; 7.6% anterior crossbite and 18.7% anterior open bite. Conclusion: therefore, it is possible to infer that the time recommended by the World Health Organization for exclusive breastfeeding was fundamental for the non-development of deleterious habits and malocclusions. On the other hand, the earlier the introduction of complementary foods and the interruption of exclusive breastfeeding in the first six months, the greater the risk of developing habits and, consequently, malocclusions.

Weaning , Malocclusion , Breast Feeding , Fingersucking
Rev. Asoc. Odontol. Argent ; 109(3): 171-176, dic. 2021. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1372366


Objetivo: Relacionar la prevalencia de maloclusiones funcionales con hábitos orales en niños con dentición mixta. Materiales y métodos: La muestra estuvo constituida por 61 pacientes que asistieron a la Facultad de Odontología de la UNNE entre los meses de abril y noviembre de 2018, seleccionados mediante un muestreo al Azar Sistemático. Se evaluó en ellos la presencia de maloclusiones funcionales como mordidas abiertas y cruzadas, líneas medias desviadas, apiñamiento dentario, resalte maxilar. Como hábitos orales se consideró la succión digital, interposición lingual y deglución atípica, interposición de labios y objetos, respiración bucal, onicofagia. Se realizó un análisis descriptivo empleando el software estadístico InfoStat Versión 2019 y para conocer la asociación entre las maloclusiones funcionales y los hábitos orales se emplearon pruebas de Chi cuadrado (nivel de signi- ficación de P ≤0,05). Resultados: Se observó la presencia de maloclusiones funcionales en un 64% de los niños, y se encontró que el api- ñamiento dentario fue el predominante con un 39%. La pre- valencia de hábitos orales fue de 66%, la interposición labial y de objetos fue la que se detectó con mayor frecuencia con un 39%. Se observó mayor presencia de mordida abierta en pacientes con hábitos parafuncionales como ser succión digi- tal e interposición lingual. La asociación entre maloclusiones funcionales y hábitos orales fue estadísticamente significativa (χ 2 = 6,17, P = 0.0130). Conclusión: Se identificó una alta prevalencia de malo- clusiones funcionales en niños con dentición mixta, asociadas a hábitos orales (AU)

Aim: To determine the association between prevalence of functional malocclusions and oral habits in children with mixed dentition. Materials and methods: The sample consisted of 61 patients who attended the UNNE School of Dentistry from April to November 2018, selected through systematic random sampling. Presence of functional malocclusions such as open bite, crossbite, deviated midlines, dental crowding, and maxil- lary protrusion were evaluated. The oral habits of finger suck- ing, lingual interposition and atypical swallowing, interposi- tion of lips and objects, mouth breathing, and onychophagia were considered. A descriptive analysis was performed using the Statistical Software InfoStat Version 2019. Chi-square tests were used to determine the association between function- al malocclusions and oral habits (significance level P ≤0.05). Results: Functional malocclusions were present in 64% of the children, with dental crowding being the most prevalent, in 39%. Prevalence of oral habits was found in 66%, with la- bial and object interposition having the highest frequency, in 39%. Open bite was more frequent in patients with parafunc- tional habits such as finger sucking and lingual interposition. The association between functional malocclusions and oral habits was statistically significant (χ2 = 6.17, P = 0.0130). Conclusion: High prevalence of functional malocclu- sions was identified in children with mixed dentition, associ- ated with oral habits (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Dentition, Mixed , Habits , Malocclusion/epidemiology , Argentina/epidemiology , Prevalence , Cross-Sectional Studies , Open Bite , Fingersucking , Mouth Breathing , Nail Biting
Medicentro (Villa Clara) ; 25(3): 466-471, 2021.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1340193


RESUMEN Se realizó un estudio de intervención educativa en 48 estudiantes de la Escuela Primaria «Paco Cuesta¼, ubicada en el área de salud «XX Aniversario¼ del municipio Santa Clara, Villa Clara, durante el curso escolar 2016 - 2017. Los objetivos de esta investigación fueron: identificar las necesidades de aprendizaje sobre hábitos bucales deformantes en escolares de cuarto grado, y evaluar, a corto plazo, los resultados obtenidos en la población objeto de estudio. Los resultados demostraron que los adolescentes modificaron positivamente la información que tenían sobre estas temáticas a partir de las instrucciones de los profesionales.

ABSTRACT An educational intervention study was carried out in 48 students belonging to "Paco Cuesta" Primary School which is located in the «XX Anniversary¼ health area from Santa Clara municipality, Villa Clara, during the 2016-2017 academic year. The objectives of this research were to identify the learning needs about deforming oral habits in fourth-grade school children, and to evaluate the results obtained, in the population under study, in the short term period. The results showed that the adolescents positively modified the information they had on these topics based on the instructions of the professionals.

Tongue Habits , Health Education, Dental , Fingersucking , Malocclusion
Rev. cuba. med. trop ; 73(2): e552, 2021. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1347486


Introducción: La enterobiosis es una de las principales infecciones intestinales del mundo. Objetivo: Determinar los factores asociados a la infección por Enterobius vermicularis en niños de dos comunidades nativas Ese'Eja en Madre de Dios, Perú. Métodos: Estudio transversal analítico. Se trabajó con niños (77) de 1 a 11 años durante los meses de febrero a marzo de 2014. Para diagnosticar la enterobiosis se usó el test de Graham. Las manifestaciones clínicas fueron evaluadas por un médico y los factores asociados mediante una encuesta aplicada a los padres de los niños evaluados. Se usó estadística descriptiva y analítica, se utilizaron razones de prevalencia crudas y ajustadas con un IC 95 por ciento se consideró p< 0,05 como significativo. Resultados: La prevalencia de enterobiosis fue de 32,47 por ciento (25). Los factores asociados (RP e IC 95 por ciento) en el análisis bivariado fueron onicofagia 2,1 (1,1-3,9), chuparse los dedos 5,4 (2,1-2,7), uñas largas 7 (2,6-18,6), intercambio de ropa 2,3 (1,1-3,7), cambio de ropa interior 3,3 (1,8-5,9), uso de calzado 7 (2,6-18,4), juego con tierra 6,9 (1,7-27,3), juego con mascotas 6,4 (2,1-19,7), lavado de manos antes de comer 7,9 (3,6-17,1), lavado de manos después de comer 1,9 (1,7-3,66), 6 o más personas en la casa 3,9 (1,9-7,9), disposición de excretas a campo abierto 3,3 (1,7-6,2) y el menor nivel socioeconómico 2,6 (1,3-5,4). No hubo asociaciones en el análisis multivariado. Conclusiones: Existe una alta prevalencia de enterobiosis en la población estudiada y los factores de riesgo son similares a los antecedentes locales. Urge hacer programas de prevención y promoción de salud respecto al tema para reducir este problema(AU)

Introduction: Enterobiasis is one of the main intestinal infections worldwide. Objective: Determine the factors associated to Enterobius vermicularis infection in children from two native Ese'Eja communities in Madre de Dios, Peru. Methods: An analytical cross-sectional study was conducted in February-March 2014 of 77 children aged 1-11 years. Enterobiasis diagnosis was based on Graham's test. Clinical manifestations were evaluated by a physician, whereas associated factors were determined through a survey applied to the parents of the children studied. Use was made of descriptive and analytical statistical analysis, and crude and adjusted prevalence ratios with a CI of 95 percent. A p value of 0.05 was considered significant. Results: Enterobiasis prevalence was 32.47 percent (25). The associated factors (PR and CI 95 percent) in the bivariate analysis were onychophagia 2.1 (1.1-3.9), finger sucking 5.4 (2.1-2.7), long nails 7 (2.6-18.6), exchanging clothes 2.3 (1.1-3.7), changing underwear 3.3 (1.8-5.9), wearing shoes 7 (2.6-18.4), playing with earth 6.9 (1.7-27.3), playing with pets 6.4 (2.1-19.7), handwashing before eating 7.9 (3.6-17.1), handwashing after eating 1.9 (1.7-3.66), six or more people in the household 3.9 (1.9-7.9), feces disposal in open areas 3.3 (1.7-6.2) and a lower socioeconomic level 2.6 (1.3-5.4). Multivariate analysis did not find any association. Conclusions: Enterobiasis prevalence is high in the population studied, and the risk factors are similar to the local antecedents. It is urgent to develop health prevention and promotion programs about the topic to reduce this problem(AU)

Humans , Child , Risk Factors , Enterobiasis , Eating , Fingersucking , Nail Biting , Cross-Sectional Studies , Feces
Rev. habanera cienc. méd ; 20(2): e3162, mar.-abr. 2021. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1251805


Introducción: La succión digital se ha descrito como un hábito común en la infancia, pero su persistencia, acompañada de un patrón esqueletal desfavorable ocasiona diversas anomalías. Objetivo: Evaluar los resultados de un programa de intervención educativa en niños de 6 a 11 años con hábito de succión digital, pertenecientes a las escuelas primarias Julio Pérez y Domingo Lence del municipio San Antonio de los Baños. Material y Métodos: Se realizó un estudio cuasi-experimental. De un universo de 107 niños que practicaban hábitos deletéreos, se seleccionó una muestra de 42 teniendo en cuenta los criterios de inclusión. Las variables analizadas fueron: edad, sexo, nivel de conocimiento, anomalías dentomaxilofaciales y abandono del hábito. Los datos se tomaron de los resultados de la aplicación de un cuestionario. En el análisis de la información se utilizó el porcentaje y se confeccionaron tablas estadísticas y gráfico. Se usaron métodos teóricos, empíricos, estadísticos y el análisis documental. Resultados: Los niños entre 6 y 7 años fueron 47,6 por ciento y el sexo femenino, 73,8 por ciento. Dentro de las anomalías dentomaxilofaciales, la disfunción labial se presentó en 95,2 por ciento y el resalte aumentado en 92,8 por ciento. El 83.3 por ciento de los niños finalizaron con un conocimiento adecuado. El 78,6 por ciento abandonó el hábito. Conclusiones: Predominaron las hembras y el grupo de edad de 6 a 7 años. Las anomalías dentomaxilofaciales más frecuentes fueron la disfunción labial seguido del resalte aumentado. Aumentó el nivel de conocimientos y el abandono del hábito fue elevado(AU)

Introduction: Digital suction has been described as a common habit in childhood, but it can cause several anomalies if it is persistent and accompanied by an unfavorable skeletal pattern. Objective: To evaluate the results of an educational intervention program performed in children aged 6 -11 years with the habit of digital suction who belong to Julio Pérez and Domingo Lence elementary schools, San Antonio de los Baños municipality. Material and Methods: A quasi-experimental study was conducted. A sample of 42 children was selected from a universe that was made up of 107 children with deleterious habits, keeping in mind inclusion criteria. The variables analyzed included: age, sex, level of knowledge, dental and maxillofacial anomalies and cessation of the habit. The data were taken from the results of the application of a questionnaire. Percentages were used for the analysis of the information and statistical tables and figures were developed. Theoretical, empirical, and statistical methods were used; documentary analysis was also carried out. Results: The condition predominated in children aged 6 - 7 years (47,6 percent) and the female sex (73,8 percent). Among dental and maxillofacial anomalies, labial dysfunction was identified in 95,2 percent of children and augmentation of projection was present in 92,8 percent of the cases. Also, 83.3 percent of children developed an appropriate knowledge and 78,6 percent eradicated the habit. Conclusions: Female children and the age group between 6 and 7 years of age predominated in the study. The most frequent dental and maxillofacial anomalies were labial dysfunction followed by augmentation of projection. The level of knowledge increased and the cessation of the habit was high(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Surveys and Questionnaires , Early Intervention, Educational , Fingersucking , Non-Randomized Controlled Trials as Topic , Age Groups
Arq. odontol ; 57: 244-252, jan.-dez. 2021. ilus, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1348380


Objetivo: Analisar na literatura quais são os hábitos associados à mordida aberta anterior em crianças. Métodos: Realizou-se uma pesquisa bibliográfica referente aos artigos publicados de 2015 a 2020 nos bancos de dados on-line PubMed, Embase, SciELO, LILACS e BBO utilizando descritores e sinônimos MeSH, DeCS e Emtree com as seguintes etapas: identificação, triagem, elegibilidade e inclusão. Foram incluídos estudos observacionais, transversais ou de coorte, e artigos que demonstrassem hábitos associados à mordida aberta anterior em crianças de 2 a 12 anos de idade. Relatos de caso, revisões da literatura e outros tipos de estudos que não estavam de acordo com os critérios foram excluídos. Os artigos foram analisados por dois pesquisadores independentes e os estudos selecionados foram avaliados quanto à qualidade metodológica. Resultados: De um total de 462 artigos encontrados apenas 9 foram selecionados para o estudo. Desses, 8 (88,9%) apresentaram alta ou moderada qualidade metodológica, sendo apenas 1 (11,1%), dentre os artigos, de baixa qualidade. Mediante à análise dos estudos inclusos, observou-se que a manutenção de hábitos orais como sucção digital (66,6% dos artigos) e de chupeta (77,7%), bem como uso de mamadeira (33,3%) e duração do tempo de aleitamento materno (22,2%) pode ocasionar alterações na oclusão, fala, respiração, crescimento craniofacial, afetando diretamente a qualidade de vida da criança. Conclusão:Uma vez que a infância é a fase adequada para a implementação de novos hábitos saudáveis e tratamentos, é imprescindível que o cirurgião-dentista conheça essa associação, e adote medidas terapêuticas e preventivas.

Aim: To perform an analysis of in the literature regarding which habits are associated with anterior open bite in children. Methods:This was a bibliographic study conducted using articles published from 2015 to 2020 in the PubMed, Embase, SciELO, LILACS, and BBO online databases, using MeSH, DeCS, and Emtree descriptors and synonyms with the following steps: identification, screening, eligibility, and inclusion. Observational, cross-sectional, or cohort studies, as well as and articles demonstrating habits associated with anterior open bite in children aged 2 to 12 years, were included. Case reports, literature reviews, and other types of studies that were not in accordance with the criteria were excluded. The articles were evaluated by two independent researchers, and the selected studies were evaluated for methodological quality. Results:Of a total of 462 articles found, only nine were selected for the study. Of these, eight (88.9%) presented high or moderate methodological quality, with only 1 (11.1%) of the articles presenting a low quality. Through the analysis of the included studies, it was observed that the maintenance of oral habits, such as finger sucking (66.6% of the articles) and pacifiers (77.7%), as well as the use of a bottle (33.3%) and the duration of breastfeeding time (22.2%), may cause changes in occlusion, speech, breathing, and craniofacial growth, directly affecting the child's quality of life. Conclusion: Since childhood is the appropriate phase for the implementation of new healthy habits and treatments, it is essential for the dentist to understand this association and adopt therapeutic and preventive measures.

Humans , Child, Preschool , Child , Sucking Behavior , Open Bite/etiology , Pacifiers/adverse effects , Nursing Bottles , Fingersucking , Risk Factors , Dental Care for Children
Braz. oral res. (Online) ; 34: e059, 2020. tab
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1132697


Abstract The aim of this study was to evaluate the association of malocclusion, nutritive and non-nutritive sucking habits and dental caries in the masticatory function of preschool children. A cross-sectional study was conducted with a sample of 384 children aged 3-5 years. A single examiner calibrated for oral clinical examinations performed all the evaluations (kappa > 0.82). Presence of malocclusion was recorded using Foster and Hamilton criteria. The number of masticatory units and of posterior teeth cavitated by dental caries was also recorded. The parents answered a questionnaire in the form of an interview, addressing questions about the child's nutritive and non-nutritive sucking habits. The masticatory function was evaluated using Optocal test material, and was based on the median particle size in the masticatory performance, on the swallowing threshold, and on the number of masticatory cycles during the swallowing threshold. Data analysis involved simple and multiple linear regression analyses, and the confidence level adopted was 95%. The sample consisted of 206 children in the malocclusion group and 178 in the non-malocclusion group. In the multiple regression analysis, the masticatory performance was associated with age (p = 0.025), bottle feeding (p = 0.004), presence of malocclusion (p = 0.048) and number of cavitated posterior teeth (p = 0.030). The swallowing threshold was associated with age (p = 0.025), bottle feeding (p = 0.001) and posterior malocclusion (p = 0.017). The number of masticatory cycles during the swallowing threshold was associated with the number of cavitated posterior teeth (p = 0.001). In conclusion, posterior malocclusion, bottle feeding and dental caries may interfere in the masticatory function of preschool children.

Humans , Male , Female , Sucking Behavior/physiology , Deglutition/physiology , Dental Caries/physiopathology , Malocclusion/physiopathology , Mastication/physiology , Particle Size , Reference Values , Bottle Feeding , Breast Feeding , Linear Models , Sex Factors , Cross-Sectional Studies , Statistics, Nonparametric , Fingersucking
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1009851


A mordida aberta anterior é uma maloclusão caracterizada por um trespasse vertical negativo entre os dentes anteriores, quando os dentes posteriores estão em oclusão. Ela pode ser desenvolvida através de diversos fatores etiológicos, tais como os hábitos bucais deletérios (sucção de polegar ou chupeta), anquilose dentária, respiração bucal, amígdalas hipertróficas, interposição lingual e anormalidades no processo de erupção. Esses fatores interferem diretamente no crescimento e desenvolvimento normais das estruturas faciais. É uma das maloclusões de maior comprometimento estético-funcional, além das alterações dentárias e esqueléticas, e seu tratamento é constituído de diferentes abordagens, pois depende de suaclassificação e severidade. O objetivo deste trabalho é destacar a importância do diagnóstico e tratamento da mordida aberta anterior, bem como mostrar o que pode causá-la, interferindo no correto funcionamento do sistema estomatognático e bem-estar do paciente

The anterior open bite is a malocclusion characterized by a negative vertical overlap between the anterior teeth when the posterior teeth are in occlusion. It can be developed through several etiological factors, such as deleterious oral habits (thumb sucking or pacifiers), dental ankylosis, mouth breathing, hypertrophic tonsils, lingual interposition, and abnormalities in the eruption process. These factors directly interfere with the normal growth and development of facial structures. It is one of the malocclusions of greater aesthetic-functional impairment, besides the dental and skeletal alterations, and its treatment is constituted of different approaches, as it depends on its classification and severity. The objective of this study is to highlight the importance of diagnosis and treatment of anterior open bite, as well as to show what can cause it, interfering in the correct functioning of the stomatognathic system and the patient's well-being.

Humans , Male , Female , Infant, Newborn , Infant , Child, Preschool , Child , Open Bite , Fingersucking , Malocclusion , Habits
Rev. cuba. estomatol ; 56(2): e1395, abr.-jun. 2019.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1093220


RESUMEN Introducción: La ruptura del equilibrio de las fuerzas extrabucales e intrabucales debido a una función anómala, desencadena maloclusión. Estas funciones musculares anómalas se conocen como hábitos bucales lesivos. Objetivo: Actualizar conocimientos y analizar los factores relacionados con las maloclusiones dentarias como los hábitos bucales lesivos en niños, en función de la frecuencia y duración de la succión nutritiva y no nutritiva, respiración por la boca y el empuje lingual atípico. Métodos: se realizó una revisión bibliográfica en cuatro bases de datos digitales Pubmed, Lilacs, Ibecs y Cumed correspondiente a los últimos 5 años. Se usó tesauro para el idioma inglés malocclusion, habits, finger sucking, pacifiers, bottle feeding, tongue habit, mouth breathing y en español maloclusión, hábitos, succión del dedo, chupete, biberones, hábitos linguales, respiración por la boca. La búsqueda reveló 65 artículos, de estos solo 19 cumplieron los criterios de inclusión. Análisis e integración de la información: El 89,5 por ciento de los artículos pertenecen a estudios de hábitos de succión no nutritivos solo o en conjunto con otros hábitos; y el 10,5 por ciento realizan investigaciones en niños respiradores bucales. Teniendo en cuenta la duración y frecuencia de los hábitos solo el 26,31 por ciento de las pesquisas seleccionadas tomaron en cuenta estas variables. En hábitos de succión nutritivos presentaron resalte horizontal aumentado, mordida cruzada posterior y escalón distal. Existe una asociación entre períodos cortos de amamantamiento y prevalencia de hábitos de succión no nutritivos; presentan además de maloclusiones anteriormente citadas, mordida abierta anterior. En respiración por la boca citaron clase II, mandíbula corta y retruida y disminución del tercio inferior de la cara. Conclusiones: Numerosas investigaciones se han realizado para asociar la duración de los hábitos de succión nutritivos y no nutritivos con maloclusiones, sin considerar la frecuencia de estos, además existe una reducida información científica en las bases electrónicas exploradas en lo que refiere a estudios de respiración por la boca y empuje lingual atípico en los niños(AU)

ABSTRACT Introduction: Malocclusion is triggered by rupture of the balance between extraoral and intraoral forces as a result of an anomalous function. Such anomalous muscular functions are known as harmful oral habits. Objective: Update knowledge and analyze factors related to dental malocclusions, such as harmful oral habits in children, in terms of the frequency and duration of nutritive and non-nutritive sucking, mouth breathing and atypical tongue thrust. Methods: A bibliographic review was conducted of papers published in the last five years in the digital databases Pubmed, Lilacs, Ibecs and Cumed. The search terms used were malocclusion, habits, finger sucking, pacifiers, bottle feeding, tongue habit and mouth breathing in English, and maloclusión, hábitos, succión del dedo, chupete, biberones, hábitos linguales and respiración por la boca in Spanish. 65 papers were obtained, of which only 39 met the inclusion criteria. Data analysis and integration: 89.5 percent of the papers corresponded to studies about non-nutritive sucking habits alone or in combination with other habits, whereas 10.5 percent dealt with studies about mouth breathing children. Only 26.31 percent of the studies selected took into account the variables duration and frequency of the habits. Nutritive sucking habits were found to be associated with overjet, posterior crossbite and distal step. A relationship was also found between a short breastfeeding period and the prevalence of non-nutritive sucking habits, with the presence of anterior open bite alongside the aforementioned malocclusions. Mouth breathing was related to class II, small retrognathic jaw and a decreased lower third of the face. Conclusions: Numerous studies have been conducted to determine the relationship between malocclusions and the duration of nutritive and non-nutritive sucking habits, without considering the frequency of such habits. On the other hand, the electronic databases consulted contain few studies about mouth breathing and atypical tongue thrust in children(AU)

Humans , Child, Preschool , Child , Tongue Habits/psychology , Malocclusion/epidemiology , Mouth Breathing/etiology , Review Literature as Topic , Databases, Bibliographic , Fingersucking/adverse effects
Rev. Cient. CRO-RJ (Online) ; 3(3): 70-74, Sept.-Dec. 2018.
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1022113


Objective: The aim was to evaluate the prevalence of malocclusion traits altogether and separate in anterior open bite, accentuated overjet and posterior cross-bite, and the possible association between them and sucking habits and breastfeeding. Methods : A preschool-based cross-sectional study was conducted with 472 children aged 24-60 months and their parents (response rate 86.6%). Three trained dentists (Kappa > 0.70) examine children for anterior open bite, accentuated overjet and posterior cross-bite and parents answered a questionnaire indicating the presence of breastfeeding, bottle usage, pacifier usage, finger sucking and the length of usage of all these habits. Results : The prevalence of malocclusion traits was 38.8%, Accentuated overjet was the most prevalent (30.3%) followed by posterior cross-bite (8.9%) and anterior open bite (7.4%). The unadjusted Poisson regression showed that children who were not breastfed had 63.0% more prevalent malocclusion traits when compared with those who were breastfed (RP 1.63, 95%CI 1.06-2.50). Length of pacifier usage in months was the only habit remained in the adjusted model associated with anterior open bite (RP 1.10, 95%CI 1.05-1.14, p < 0.000) and accentuated overjet (RP 1.03, 95%CI 1.01- .05, p = 0.004). For posterior cross-bite none habit showed association in the adjusted model. All models were adjusted for age and sex. Conclusion : Accentuated overjet is the most prevalent malocclusion trait. Length of pacifier usage is associated with the presence of malocclusion traits, anterior open bite and accentuated overjet. None of the investigated habits is associated with posterior cross-bite.

Objetivo: O objetivo foi estimar a prevalência de maloclusões avaliadas em conjunto e separadamente em mordida aberta anterior, sobressaliência acentuada e mordida cruzada posterior, e a possível associação entre elas e os hábitos de sucção e amamentação. Métodos : Estudo transversal foi realizado com 472 pré- escolares de 24 a 60 meses e seus pais (taxa de resposta de 86,6%). Três dentistas treinados (Kappa > 0,70) examinaram as crianças para mordida aberta anterior, sobressaliência acentuada e mordida cruzada posterior e os pais responderam a um questionário indicando a presença de amamentação, uso de mamadeira, uso de chupeta, sucção de dedo e tempo de hábito. Resultados : A prevalência de maloclusões foi de 38,8%. A sobressaliência acentuada foi o mais prevalente (30,3%), seguido da mordida cruzada posterior (8,9%) e da mordida aberta anterior (7,4%). A regressão de Poisson não ajustada mostrou que as crianças que não foram amamentadas apresentaram 63,0% maior prevalência de maloclusão quando comparadas com aquelas que foram amamentadas (RP 1,63, IC95% 1,06-2,50). A duração do uso de chupeta em meses foi o único hábito que permaneceu no modelo ajustado associado à mordida aberta anterior (RP 1,10, IC 95% 1,05-1,14, p < 0,000) e sobressaliência acentuada (RP 1,03, IC 95% 1,01- 1,05, p = 0,004). Para mordida cruzada posterior nenhum hábito mostrou associação no modelo ajustado. Todos os modelos foram ajustados por idade e sexo. Conclusão : A sobressaliência acentuada é a maloclusão mais prevalente. O tempo do uso de chupeta está associado à presença de maloclusão, mordida aberta anterior e sobressaliência acentuada. Nenhum dos hábitos investigados está associado à mordida cruzada posterior.

Malocclusion , Orthodontics , Breast Feeding/adverse effects , Child, Preschool , Open Bite , Pacifiers/adverse effects , Fingersucking/adverse effects
Braz. oral res. (Online) ; 32: e98, 2018. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-974447


Abstract The aim of this article was to evaluate the influence of biological and sociobehavioral factors on the development of malocclusions in children. This is a cross-sectional study nested in a cohort of 350 children who participated in a community intervention study. After six years, an active search identified 290 children with occlusal abnormalities. Socioeconomic status, linear growth, and nutritional status of the child at birth and at the time of measurement, as well as dietary and sucking habits, were investigated. Malocclusions were evaluated across three spatial planes - anteroposterior, vertical, and transverse. The prevalence of these anomalies was 64.5%, primarily in the anteroposterior plane. The logistic regression analysis revealed that pacifier use for 60 months or more, stunting as measured at age six, and reduced gain in head circumference from birth to six years of age, were significantly associated with the development of malocclusion in childhood. Head circumference and linear growth are associated with occlusal anomalies in infants, independent of pacifier sucking.

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Sucking Behavior/physiology , Child Development/drug effects , Nutritional Status/physiology , Feeding Behavior/physiology , Head/growth & development , Malocclusion/etiology , Socioeconomic Factors , Time Factors , Birth Weight , Brazil/epidemiology , Breast Feeding , Logistic Models , Cephalometry , Prevalence , Cross-Sectional Studies , Multivariate Analysis , Risk Factors , Age Factors , Sex Distribution , Pacifiers/adverse effects , Fingersucking/adverse effects , Malocclusion/epidemiology , Maxillofacial Development
Medisan ; 21(7)jul. 2017. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-894623


Se efectuó un estudio descriptivo y transversal de 122 niños del Círculo Infantil Espiguita, pertenecientes al área de salud del Hospital Clinicoquirúrgico Docente Dr Juan Bruno Zayas Alfonso de Santiago de Cuba, desde febrero hasta marzo de 2017, con vistas a mostrar detalles clínicos de la oclusión dentaria en estos menores, según variables seleccionadas. A los afectados se les realizó el examen clínico bucal y facial; además, se confeccionó la historia clínica individual y se utilizó el porcentaje como medida de resumen. En la serie predominaron los niños de 4 años de edad, el sexo femenino y las maloclusiones; en tanto, la succión digital y la disfunción lingual fueron los hábitos fundamentales. Asimismo, se obtuvo una primacía de la mordida abierta como característica de la maloclusión

A descriptive and cross-sectional study of 122 children of Espiguita Day-Care Center belonging to the health area of Dr Juan Bruno Zayas Alfonso Teaching Clinical Surgical Hospital was carried out from February to March, 2017 in Santiago de Cuba, aimed at showing clinical details of dental occlusion in these children, according to selected variables. The oral and facial clinical examination was carried out to those affected minors; also, the individual medical record was made and the percentage as summary measure was used. In the series there was a prevalence of 4 years children, female sex and malocclusions; as long as, the digital suction and the lingual dysfunction were the fundamental habits. Also, a primacy of the open bite was obtained as characteristic of malocclusion

Humans , Male , Female , Child, Preschool , Child , Pediatric Dentistry , Dental Occlusion , Diagnosis, Oral , Malocclusion/diagnosis , Tongue Habits , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Cross-Sectional Studies , Fingersucking
Rev. ADM ; 74(3): 152-158, mayo-jun. 2017. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-908013


La maloclusión clase II tiene una prevalencia de 37.1 por ciento en México, de ahí su importancia de ser diagnosticada y tratada a tiempo. Sepresenta como resultado de la combinación de componentes dentales,esqueléticos y/o funcionales. Sus características son molares en relacióndistal, retrognatismo, protrusión maxilar o una combinación deellos. Los hábitos nocivos como la succión de labio inferior producenalteraciones dentales como retrusión de los incisivos inferiores y protrusiónde los incisivos superiores. La clase II dentoesqueletal es una desarmonía que se agrava con el tiempo, cuya prevalencia aumenta con la edad, debido a que no tiende a corregirse a edades tempranas. El reporte del caso clínico es de una paciente de 13 años, la cual tiene hábito de succión labial, clase II molar y canina bilateral, protrusión maxilar, retrognatismo, biproinclinación dental, biprotrusión labial y crecimiento horizontal. Los objetivos del tratamiento fueron eliminar el hábito de succión del labio inferior, retruir los incisivos superiores,obtener una clase I canina y molar, corregir la sobremordida vertical yhorizontal y lograr un sellado labial armónico. El tratamiento consistióen colocar ortopedia funcional removible SN6 en dos etapas debido aque la sobremordida era de 9 mm. La aparatología ortopédica funcionalremovible puede considerarse una terapia efectiva para los problemasde maloclusión clase II y sobremordida horizontal y vertical.

Class II malocclusions have a 37.1% prevalence in Mexico; their timelydiagnose and treatment is therefore relevant. They appear as a result ofa combination of dental, skeletal and/or functional components. Amongthe intraoral characteristics, there are the distal molar relationship,retrognathism, maxillary protrusion, or a combination of all of them.Harmful habits, such as the suction of the lower lip they cause dentalalterations like the retrusion of the incisor teeth and the protrusion ofthe upper incisor teeth. Skeletal class II malocclusion is a misalignmentwhich steadily worsens; its prevalence increases as the person gets olderbecause it is not likely to be corrected at an early age. The clinicalcase report is that of a 13-year-old female patient, who has the habitof lip suction, class II molar and canine, and class II occlusion in bothcanines, maxillary protrusion, mandibular retrognathism, bimaxilarydental proclination, biprotrusive lips and horizontal growth. Thetreatment aimed at eliminating the lower lip suction habit, retractingthe upper incisor teeth, getting a canine and molar occlusion class I,correcting both overjet and overbite, achieving an adequate, lip seal.The treatment comprised SN6 removable functional orthopedics in twostages due to the 9 mm overbite. The removable functional orthopedic apparatus may be deemed an eff ective therapy for class II malocclusion problems, and both overjet and overbite.

Female , Humans , Adolescent , Malocclusion, Angle Class II/therapy , Orthodontic Appliances, Functional , Orthodontic Appliances, Removable , Cephalometry/methods , Fingersucking/adverse effects , Fingersucking/therapy , Mexico , Retrognathia/therapy , Treatment Outcome
Braz. dent. j ; 28(3): 277-280, May-June 2017. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-888652


Abstract Anterior open bite (AOB) has a multifactorial etiology caused by the interaction of sucking habits and genetic factors. The aim of this study was to evaluate the association between AOB and polymorphisms in genes that encode Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) and their tissue inhibitors (TIMPs). Four hundred and seventy-two children that presented at least one sucking habit were evaluated. Children were examined clinically for the presence of AOB. Genomic DNA was extracted from saliva. Genotyping of the selected polymorphisms in MMP2, MMP3, MMP9, TIMP1 and TIMP2 was carried out by real-time PCR using the TaqMan method. Allele and genotype frequencies were compared between the groups with and without AOB using the PLINK® software in a free and in a recessive model using a chi-square test. Logistic regression analysis was implemented (p≤0.05). Two hundred nineteen children had AOB while 253 did not. The polymorphism rs17576 in MMP9 was significantly associated with AOB (p=0.009). In a recessive model GG genotype was a protective factor for AOB (p=0.014; OR 4.6, 95%CI 1.3-16.2). In the logistic regression analysis, none of the genes was associated with AOB. In conclusion, the polymorphism rs17576 (glutamine for arginine substitution) in MMP9 was a protective factor for AOB.

Resumo A mordida aberta anterior apresenta uma etiologia multifatorial causada pela interação entre hábitos de sucção e fatores genéticos. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a associação entre mordida aberta anterior e polimorfismo nos genes que codificam as metaloproteinases da matriz (MMPs) e seus inibidores teciduais (TIMPs). Foram avaliadas 472 crianças que apresentvam pelo menos um hábito de sucção. As crianças foram clinicamente examinadas para avaliar a presença de mordida aberta anterior. DNA genômico foi extraído da saliva. A genotipagem dos polimorfismos selecionados em MMP2, MMP3, MMP9, TIMP1 e TIMP2 foi realizada por PCR em tempo real, usando o método de TaqMan. As frequências alélicas e genotípicas foram comparadas entre os grupos com e sem mordida aberta anterior usando o software PLINK®. Duzentas e dezenove crianças apresentavam mordida aberta anterior enquanto 253 não a apresentavam. O polimorfismo rs17576 em MMP9 estava significativamente associado com mordida aberta anterior (p=0,009). No modelo recessivo (GG versus AG+AA) o genótipo GG foi um fator protetor para mordida aberta anterior (p=0,014; OR 4,6; 95%CI 1,3- 16,2). Concluindo, o polimorfismo rs17576 (substituição de glutamina por arginina) em MMP9 está associado com mordida aberta anterior. Os resultados obtidos suportam a hipótese de que fatores genéticos estão envolvidos com a etiologia da mordida aberta anterior.

Humans , Male , Female , Child, Preschool , Child , Matrix Metalloproteinase 9/genetics , Polymorphism, Single Nucleotide , Open Bite/etiology , Matrix Metalloproteinase 3/genetics , Tissue Inhibitor of Metalloproteinase-1/genetics , Tissue Inhibitor of Metalloproteinase-2/genetics , Matrix Metalloproteinase 2/genetics , Open Bite/genetics , Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction , Fingersucking , Gene Frequency , Genotype , Models, Genetic
Distúrb. comun ; 29(1): 68-76, mar. 2017. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-880678


Objetivo: estimar a prevalência de hábitos orais em crianças frequentadoras de pré-escolas do centro sul de Sergipe. Método: a amostra foi determinada após análise de cálculo amostral e constituída por 208 pré-escolares (104 do sexo feminino e 104 do masculino) frequentadores de duas pré-escolas do centro sul de Sergipe (uma pública e outra privada), com idades entre dois e cinco anos. Por meio de formulário próprio entregue aos familiares, foi verificada a quantidade de pré-escolares que apresentam hábitos orais (chupeta, mamadeira, dedo, apertamento dentário, sucção de língua, bruxismo, umidificar lábios, onicofagia, morder mucosa oral e objetos), para posterior estimativa da prevalência desses hábitos. Os dados obtidos foram submetidos aos Testes de Igualdade de Proporções e Qui-quadrado, adotando-se nível de significância de 5%. Resultados: houve alta prevalência de hábitos orais (87,02%), sendo o uso da mamadeira o de maior ocorrência. O hábito de morder objetos foi mais comum no sexo feminino em pré-escolares do ensino público, não sendo reveladas diferenças estatisticamente significantes em relação aos demais hábitos com o sexo. A sucção digital esteve associada a faixas etárias menores (dois e três anos) e o bruxismo, às maiores (quatro e cinco anos). Conclusão: a alta prevalência de hábitos orais deletérios em pré-escolares justifica a ação interdisciplinar o mais precoce possível, a fim de que não haja impacto negativo no desenvolvimento do complexo crânio-oro-cervical e, consequentemente, nas funções orais.

Purpose: to estimate the prevalence of oral habits of children attending pre-schools in the mid-south region of Sergipe. Method: the sample was consisted after a calculation analysis of 208 preschool children (104 females and 104 males) frequenting two pre-schools in the mid-south region of Sergipe (one public and one private), with ages from two to five years, of both genders. Through an individual form given to their families (part of the clinical history of MBGR Protocol in GENARO et al., 2009), the amount of pre-school children who have oral habits was verified (pacifier, bottle, finger, teeth clenching, tonguesuction, bruxism, moistening of lips, nail biting, biting oral mucosa and objects) for further estimate of the prevalence of these habits. The guardians of the participants signed a consent form. The data were submitted to the Equal Proportions and Chi-square tests, adopting a significance level of 5%. Results: there was a high prevalence of oral habits (87.02%), and the bottle-feeding the habit with the highest incidence in the study group. The habit of biting objects was more common in females in public pre-school education, statistically significant differences were not revealed in the relation between the other habits and gender. Digital sucking was associated with younger age groups (2 and 3 years), and bruxism with the higher (4 and 5 years). Conclusion: the high prevalence of harmful oral habits in preschoolers justifies an interdisciplinary action as soon as possible, so that there is no negative impact on the development of the skull-oro-cervical complex and, consequently, on the oral functions.

Objetivo: Estimar la prevalencia de hábitos orales en niños preescolares del centro sur de Sergipe. Método: La muestra fue constituida tras el análisis del cálculo del tamaño de la muestra y fue compuesta por 208 preescolares (104 de sexo femenino y 104 de sexo masculino), frecuentadores de dos preescuelas del centro sur de Sergipe (una pública y otra privada), con edades entre dos y cinco años. Por medio de un formulario se verificó la cantidad de los niños en edad preescolar que tienen hábitos orales (chupete, mamadera, dedo, apretar dientes, succión de lengua, bruxismo, umidificar los labios, onicofagia, morder la mucosa oral y objetos), para posterior estimativa de la prevalencia de estos hábitos. Los datos obtenidos fueron sometidos a las Pruebas de Igualdad de Proporciones y Qui Quadrado, adoptándose el nivel de significación de 5 %. Resultados: Hubo alta prevalencia de hábitos orales (87,02%), siendo lo uso de la mamadera el hábito con mayor ocurrencia. El hábito de morder objetos fue más común en el sexo femenino, en preescolares de la educación pública, no siendo reveladas diferencias estáticamente significantes en relación a los otros hábitos, con respeto a la variable sexo. La succión digital ha estado asociada a grupos de edad menor (2 y 3 años) y el bruxismo, a edad mayor (4 y 5 años). Conclusión: La alta prevalencia de hábitos orales deletéreos en preescolares justifica la acción interdisciplinar lo mas precoz posible, a fin de que no haya impacto negativo en el desarrollo de la compleja estrutura cráneo-oro-cervical y, por consiguiente, en las funciones orales.

Humans , Male , Female , Child, Preschool , Bruxism , Child, Preschool , Fingersucking , Habits , Nail Biting
Archives of Orofacial Sciences ; : 86-94, 2017.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-629093


Prolonged non-nutritive sucking habits have negative effects on child’s orofacial structures, physical, social and psychological wellbeing. The objectives of the present study were (1) to determine the prevalence of non-nutritive sucking habit in Saudi preschool children, (2) to assess the factors influencing the habit, (3) to determine mothers’ view on causes of non-nutritive sucking and their reasons to stop the habit and (4) to report methods used by the mothers in eliminating the habit. This cross-sectional observational study was conducted in the kindergartens in Abha and Khamis Mushayt cities. The sample included parents of 328 male and female preschool children. A pre-piloted self-administered questionnaire was used for data collection and the response rate was 85.4%. The prevalence of non-nutritive sucking habit was 46.6%; of these, pacifier sucking was 30.2% and digit sucking was 16.4%. There were significant differences with pacifier habit between mother’s educational status and sex (p=0.008 and p=0.002 respectively). The odds of pacifier habit were higher in females [OR=2.14, 95% CI (1.32, 2.52)] and mothers with higher university education [OR=1.67, 95% CI (1.03, 2.72)]. There were significant differences with digit sucking habit and mothers’ educational status (p=0.022). The odds of digit sucking habit was higher in mothers with intermediate and secondary education [OR=2.25, 95% CI (1.24, 4.07)]. Some mothers (37.90%) used non-nutritive sucking as solution to calm the crying child, while others (47.05%) wanted to stop the habit as it might affect the child’s dentition. Some mothers (37%) interrupted the habit physically, while only 10% had preferred to consult the dentist.

Odontol. pediatr. (Lima) ; 15(2): 127-134, jul.-dic. 2016. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, LIPECS | ID: biblio-835086


El objetivo del presente estudio fue evaluar la prevalencia de hábitos orales y alteraciones dentoalveolares en niños de 6 a 12 años atendidos en una Clínica Docente. Material y Métodos: Estudio descriptivo y transversal, utilizando una muestra de 1006 historias clínicas de niños entre las edades de 6 a 12 años usando la base de datos del software U-smile. Resultados: Manifestándose una predisposición al hábito de deglución atípica (19,48%); succión digital (2.19%) y respiración bucal (0.20%). La prevalencia de las alteraciones dentoalveolares mordida cruzada anterior (8.65%) y posterior(5.27%); mordida abierta anterior (9.74%) y posterior (0.89%); relaciones molares derecha según Angle clase I (57.95%),clase II (19.98%) y clase III (10.64%); relaciones molares izquierda según Angle clase I (55.86%), clase II (18.39%) y claseIII (14.61%); plano terminal derecho escalón mesial (6.66%), plano terminal recto (0.89%) y escalón distal (0.40%); planoterminal izquierdo escalón mesial (6.16%), plano terminal recto (0.99%) y escalón distal (0.70%); overjet de 1mm a 4mm(70.78%), mayor a 4mm (11.93%) y menor a 4mm (6.26%); el overbite de 10% a 40% (45.03%), mayor a 40% (16.60%) ymenor a 10% (11.43%)...

This study aimed to assess the prevalence of oral habits and dentoalveolar alterations among 6- to-12-yearoldchildren treated at the Teaching Private Hospital. It is a descriptive, cross- sectional study with a sample size of 1,006 medical records of 6- to-12-year-old children, using the U-smile software database. It was found a predisposition towardsan atypical swallowing habit (19.48%); digit sucking (2.19%); and mouth breathing (0.20%). The prevalence of dentoalveolar alterations was: anterior crossbite (8.65%), and posterior crossbite (5.27%); anterior open bite (9.74%) and posterioropen bite (0.89%); Angle´s Class I (57.95%), Class II (18.98%) and class III (10.64%) right molar relationship; Angle´s Class I(55.86%), Class II (18.39%) and Class III (14.61%) left molar relationship; terminal plane right with mesial step (6.66%), flush terminal plane (0.89%) and distal step (0.40%); terminal plane left with mesial step (6.16%), flush terminal plane (0.99%)and distal step (0.70%); overjet of 1mm to 4mm (70.78%), greater than 4mm (11.93%) and less than 4mm (6.26%); overbite of 10% to 40% (45.03%), greater than 40% (16.60%) and less than 10% (11.43%)...

Humans , Habits , Child , Mouth Breathing , Fingersucking , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Cross-Sectional Studies
Rev. Assoc. Paul. Cir. Dent ; 70(1): 58-63, jan.-mar. 2016. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: lil-797054


Este estudo tem como objetivo relatar o caso clínico de uma paciente com mordida aberta anterior(MAA) associada ao hábito bucal deletério (HBD) de sucção digital e a importância da interação entre profissionais no tratamento integral. Paciente (9 anos) e sua responsável procuraram atendimento com queixa de hábito de sucção digital prolongado, MAA, ausência de alguns dentes e mal posicionamento dentário, o que comprometia negativamente a estética e autoestima da paciente. Diagnosticou-se crescimento facial equilibrado, MAA, atresia dento alveolar superior, discrepância negativa e dentes 11 e 12 com atraso na irrupção. O tratamento consistiu na instalação do disjuntor de Haas associado à grade palatina para obter a expansão rápida da maxila e corrigir a atresia do arco superior, a fim de anular a discrepância negativa. Concomitantemente realizou-se o acompanhamento e tratamento psicológico e fonoaudiológico.A grade palatina, adaptada com barreira de acrílico, evitou que a língua interpusesse entre os incisivos,o que propiciou a irrupção dos mesmos. Entretanto a paciente ausentou-se por dois meses e retornou ao hábito de sucção digital. Diante disto, indicou-se um bihélice com grade para expansão dento alveolare a paciente manteve o tratamento fonoaudiológico e psicológico. Foi realizado também o acompanhamento para monitoramento da irrupção dentária e desenvolvimento da oclusão. Por meio deste estudo,conclui-se que a intervenção na MAA requer abordagem multidisciplinar a fim de restabelecer a oclusão,propiciar melhora na autoestima e consequentemente na qualidade de vida da criança.

The purpose of this study is to report to the clinical case of a patient with anterior open bite (AOB)associated to the oral deleterious habit of digital suction and the importance of interaction between professionals in the comprehensive treatment. Patient (9 years of age) and its guardian searched dental carewith main complaint of prolonged digital suction, AOB, absence of some teeth and bad dental positioning, which compromised negatively the aesthetic and self es teem of the patient. Balanced facial growth, AOB,upper alveolar dental atresia, negative discrepancy and teeth 11 and 12 with delayed eruption were diagnosed.The treatment consisted in installation of Hass expander associated to palatine grating in order toobtain a fast maxilla expansion and to correct the upper arch atresia that so neutralize the negative discrepancy. Concurrently, held the monitoring and psychological and speech treatment were performed. The palatine grating, adapted with acrylic barrier, prevented the tongue to be positioned between the incisors,which favored their eruption. However, the patient was absent for 2-month and the habit of digital suction was reestablished. In view of this, bi-helix with grating for expansion of the alveolar dental region was indicated and the patient continued speech therapy and psychological treatment. The follow-up to monitoring of the dental eruption and developing of the occlusion were conducted. By means of this study, it was concluded that the OPB intervention require multidisciplinary approach with the purpose of reestablishing the occlusion, propitiating improvement in the selfesteem and consequently in the child quality of life.

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Patient Care Team , Open Bite/complications , Open Bite/diagnosis , Pediatric Dentistry , Fingersucking/adverse effects